A downloadable project for Windows

This page contains the submission for the Prototype Sprint of IndieCade Climate Jam 2024.


Download the ProjectPizza v0.#.#.zip file. Unzip the archive and run "StandaloneWindow64.exe"

Windows Defender may pop up with a warning modal about the app being unrecognized because this Unity build is unsigned.

Click on "More info" and then the "Run anyway" button.

Game Controls:

Movement: WASD

Interact: E

Push (yellow outlined objects): Right-click


This prototype includes the features and mechanics we worked on during the Prototype Sprint. They include. All art assets and models are placeholders.

- Right click to push movable objects (yellow highlights).

- Interacting with controls.

- A demo scene showing enemy patrolling and tutorial prompts.

- Dialogue system.

- Battery energy and regeneration.


We are creating a digital game in the Unity engine. It is an adventure/exploration game with puzzle elements for an audience of people who know about climate issues, but may have a pessimistic outlook (particularly Generation Z and Generation Alpha).

This game's objective is to tell a story of hope and revival even after the climate apocalypse through the eyes of a pizza delivery drone who manages to form bonds with others in this world. The drone will gradually piece together information about the state of the world and learn how to help improve it while delivering pizza.

Updated 1 hour ago
Published 7 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorsTurtle000, Toxic Mayhem, majungasawrus, razzledazzle_icedtea, Sagarsdude, enderbean


Ideation Sprint - Team 1-T - Game Design Document - 2024-07-21 v1.pd 1,006 kB
ProjectPizza-v0.5.0-Prototype-Sprint-Submission.zip 62 MB

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